Posts Tagged ‘ developing your message ’

Sales Tip: Understand What Your Customers Hope to Buy – by Jeff Sexton

You’ve heard it from me before: if you want your marketing to be successful, you need to get clear on your messaging. And that starts with a strong understanding who your ideal customer is, as well as what motivates and influences them not only to buy the product (or service) you offer, but to buy from you specifically.

If the first step is getting clear about who your ideal client is (the person you most want to work with and what it is about them that makes this the case), the second is in identifying the pain/problem(s) they have for which you or your product/service is a solution. These two steps are a critical. Ignore at your peril.  🙂

Jeff Sexton has written a good article that sums up the problem identification well, which will help you with your messaging anywhere you choose to promote.

Btw, should you be exhibiting in an upcoming Home Show (or even if you’re not), Jeff  uses a highly relevant example of a landscaping services company.

Here’s the article published via  Sales Tip: Understand What Your Customers Hope to Buy – by Jeff Sexton.

To your success!
